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[Ye simple men of heart sincere]

Ye simple men of heart sincere,
Shepherds who watch your flocks by night,
Start not to see an angel near,
Nor tremble at this glorious light.
An herald from the heavenly King,
I come your every fear to chase:
Good tidings of great joy I bring,
Great joy to all the fallen race!
To you is born on this glad day
A Saviour, by our host adored;
Our God in Bethlehem survey,
Make haste to worship Christ the Lord.
By this the Saviour of mankind,
The' incarnate God, shall be display'd,
The Babe ye wrapp'd in swathes shall find
And humbly in a manger laid.



[Ye heavenly choir, Assist me to sing]

Ye heavenly choir, Assist me to sing,
And strike the soft lyre, And honour our King:
His mighty salvation Demands all our praise,
Our best adoration, And loftiest lays.
All glory to God, Who ruleth on high,
And now hath bestow'd And sent from the sky
Christ Jesus the Saviour, Poor mortals to bless:
The pledge of His favour, The seal of His peace.


[Angels speak, let men give ear]

Angels speak, let men give ear,
Sent from high, They are nigh,
And forbid our fear.
News they bring us of salvation,
Sounds of joy To employ
Every tongue and nation.
Welcome tidings! to retrieve us
From our fall, Born for all,
Christ is born to save us.
Born His creatures to restore,
Abject earth Sees His birth,
Whom the heavens adore.
Wrapp'd in swathes the' immortal Stranger,
Man with men, We have seen
Lying in a manger.
All to God's free grace is owing;
We are His Witnesses,
Poor and nothing knowing.


Simple shepherds us He raises,
Bids us sing Christ the King,
And show forth His praises.
We have seen the King of Glory,
We proclaim Christ His name,
And record His story.
Sing we with the host of heaven,
Reconciled By a Child
Who to us is given.
Glory be to God the Giver,
Peace and love From above
Reign on earth for ever.


[Glory be to God on high]

Glory be to God on high,
And peace on earth descend;
God comes down: He bows the sky,
And shows Himself our Friend!
God the' invisible appears,
God, the blest, the great I AM,
Sojourns in this vale of tears,
And Jesus is His name.
Him the angels all adored,
Their Maker and their King:
Tidings of their humbled Lord
They now to mortals bring:
Emptied of His majesty,
Of His dazzling glories shorn,
Being's Source begins to be,
And God Himself is born!


See the' eternal Son of God
A mortal son of man,
Dwelling in an earthly clod,
Whom heaven cannot contain!
Stand amazed, ye heavens, at this!
See the Lord of earth and skies!
Humbled to the dust He is,
And in a manger lies!
We the sons of men rejoice,
The Prince of Peace proclaim,
With heaven's host lift up our voice,
And shout Immanuel's name:
Knees and hearts to Him we bow,
Of our flesh, and of our bone,
Jesus is our brother now,
And God is all our own!


[Let earth and heaven combine]

Let earth and heaven combine,
Angels and men agree,
To praise in songs Divine
The' incarnate Deity,
Our God contracted to a span,
Incomprehensibly made man.
He laid His glory by,
He wrapp'd Him in our clay,
Unmark'd by human eye
The latent Godhead lay;
Infant of days He here became,
And bore the mild Immanuel's name.


See in that Infant's face
The depths of Deity,
And labour while ye gaze
To sound the mystery:
In vain; ye angels, gaze no more,
But fall, and silently adore.
Unsearchable the love
That hath the Saviour brought,
The grace is far above
Or man or angel's thought;
Suffice for us, that God we know,
Our God is manifest below.
He deigns in flesh to' appear,
Widest extremes to join,
To bring our vileness near,
And make us all Divine;
And we the life of God shall know,
For God is manifest below.
Made perfect first in love,
And sanctified by grace,
We shall from earth remove,
And see His glorious face;
His love shall then be fully show'd,
And man shall all be lost in God.


[Join, all ye joyful nations]


Join, all ye joyful nations,
The' acclaiming host of heaven!
This happy morn
A Child is born,
To us a Son is given:


The messenger and token
Of God's eternal favour,
God hath sent down
To us His Son,
An universal Saviour!


The wonderful Messias,
The Joy of every nation,
Jesus His name,
With God the same,
The Lord of all creation:
The Counsellor of sinners,
Almighty to deliver,
The Prince of Peace
Whose love's increase
Shall reign in man for ever.


Go see the King of Glory,
Discern the heavenly Stranger,
So poor and mean,
His court an inn,
His cradle is a manger:
Who from His Father's bosom,
But now for us descended,
Who built the skies,
On earth He lies,
With only beasts attended.


Whom all the angels worship
Lies hid in human nature;
Incarnate see
The Deity,
The infinite Creator:


See the stupendous blessing
Which God to us hath given,
A child of man,
In length a span,
Who fills both earth and heaven.


Gaze on that helpless Object
Of endless adoration!
Those infant hands
Shall burst our bands,
And work out our salvation:
Strangle the crooked serpent,
Destroy his works for ever,
And open set
The heavenly gate
To every true believer.


Till then, Thou holy Jesus,
We humbly bow before Thee,
Our treasures bring
To serve our King,
And joyfully adore Thee:
To Thee we gladly render
Whate'er Thy grace hath given,
Till Thou appear
In glory here,
And take us up to heaven.


[All glory to God, And peace upon earth]

All glory to God, And peace upon earth,
Be publish'd abroad At Jesus's birth;
The forfeited favour Of heaven we find
Restored in the Saviour And Friend of mankind.


Then let us behold Messias the Lord,
By prophets foretold, By angels adored;
Our God's incarnation With angels proclaim,
And publish salvation In Jesus's name.
Our newly born King By faith we have seen,
And joyfully sing His goodness to men,
That all men may wonder At what we impart,
And thankfully ponder His love in their heart.
What moved the Most High So greatly to stoop?
He comes from the sky Our souls to lift up;
That sinners forgiven Might sinless return
To God and to heaven; Their Maker is born.
Immanuel's love Let sinners confess,
Who comes from above, To bring us His peace:
Let every believer His mercy adore,
And praise Him for ever, When time is no more.


[Away with our fears!]

Away with our fears!
The Godhead appears
In Christ reconciled,
The Father of Mercies in Jesus the Child.
He comes from above,
In manifest love,
The Desire of our eyes,
The meek Lamb of God in a manger He lies.
At Immanuel's birth
What a triumph on earth!
Yet could it afford
No better a place for its heavenly Lord!


The Ancient of Days
To redeem a lost race,
From His glory comes down,
Self-humbled to carry us up to a crown.
Made flesh for our sake,
That we might partake
The nature Divine,
And again in His image, His holiness shine;
An heavenly birth
Experience on earth,
And rise on His throne,
And live with our Jesus eternally one.
Then let us believe,
And gladly receive
The tidings they bring,
Who publish to sinners their Saviour and King.
And while we are here
Our King shall appear,
His Spirit impart,
And form His full image of love in our heart.


[Father, our hearts we lift]

Father, our hearts we lift
Up to Thy gracious throne,
And bless Thee for the precious gift
Of Thine incarnate Son;
The Gift unspeakable
We thankfully receive,
And to the world Thy goodness tell,
And to Thy glory live.


Jesus, the holy child,
Doth by His birth declare
That God and man are reconciled,
And one in Him we are:
Salvation through His name
To all mankind is given,
And loud His infant cries proclaim
A peace 'twixt earth and heaven.
A peace on earth He brings,
Which never more shall end:
The Lord of hosts, the King of kings,
Declares Himself our friend:
Assumes our flesh and blood,
That we His Spirit may gain;
The everlasting Son of God,
The mortal son of man.
His kingdom from above
He doth to us impart,
And pure benevolence and love
O'erflow the faithful heart:
Changed in a moment, we
The sweet attraction find,
With open arms of charity
Embracing all mankind.
O might they all receive
The new-born Prince of Peace,
And meekly in His Spirit live,
And in His love increase!
Till He convey us home,
Cry every soul aloud,
Come, Thou Desire of nations, come,
And take us all to God.



[Come, Thou long expected Jesus]

Come, Thou long expected Jesus,
Born to set Thy people free,
From our fears and sins release us,
Let us find our rest in Thee:
Israel's strength and consolation,
Hope of all the earth Thou art,
Dear Desire of every nation,
Joy of every longing heart.
Born Thy people to deliver,
Born a child and yet a king,
Born to reign in us for ever,
Now Thy gracious kingdom bring:
By Thy own eternal Spirit
Rule in all our hearts alone,
By Thy all-sufficient merit
Raise us to Thy glorious throne.


[Light of those whose dreary dwelling]

Light of those whose dreary dwelling
Borders on the shades of death,
Come, and by Thy love's revealing
Dissipate the clouds beneath:
The new heaven and earth's Creator,
In our deepest darkness rise,
Scattering all the night of nature,
Pouring eyesight on our eyes.
Still we wait for Thy appearing,
Life and joy Thy beams impart,
Chasing all our fears, and cheering
Every poor benighted heart:


Come and manifest the favour
God hath for our ransom'd race;
Come, Thou universal Saviour,
Come, and bring the gospel grace.
Save us in Thy great compassion,
O Thou mild pacific Prince,
Give the knowledge of salvation,
Give the pardon of our sins;
By Thine all-restoring merit
Every burden'd soul release,
Every weary, wandering spirit
Guide into Thy perfect peace.


[Sing, ye ransom'd nations, sing]

Sing, ye ransom'd nations, sing
Praises to our new-born King,
Son of Man our Maker is,
Lord of Hosts and Prince of Peace.
Lo! He lays His glory by,
Emptied of His majesty;
See the God who all things made,
Humbly in a manger laid.
Cast we off our needless fear,
Boldly to His cratch draw near,
Jesus is our flesh and bone,
God with us is all our own.
Let us then with angels gaze
On our new-born Monarch's face,
With the choir celestial join'd,
Shout the Saviour of mankind.


Son of Man, will He despise
Man's well-meaning sacrifice?
No; with condescending grace
He accepts His creature's praise.
Will His majesty disdain
The poor shepherds' simple strain?
No; for Israel's Shepherd, He
Loves their artless melody.
He will not refuse the song
Of the stammering infant's tongue,
Babes He hears humanely mild,
Once Himself a little child.
Let us then our Prince proclaim,
Humbly chant Immanuel's name,
Publish at His wondrous birth
Praise in heaven, and peace on earth!
Triumph in our Saviour's love,
Till He takes us up above,
All His majesty displays,
Shows us all His glorious face.


[Let angels and archangels sing]

Let angels and archangels sing
The wonderful Immanuel's name,
Adore with us our new-born King,
And still the joyful news proclaim;
All earth and heaven be ever join'd,
To praise the Saviour of mankind.


The everlasting God comes down
To sojourn with the sons of men;
Without His majesty or crown
The Great Invisible is seen;
Of all His dazzling glories shorn,
The everlasting God is born!
Angels, behold that Infant's face,
With rapturous awe the Godhead own:
'Tis all your heaven on Him to gaze,
And cast your crowns before His throne;
Though now He on His footstool lies,
Ye know He built both earth and skies.
By Him into existence brought,
Ye sang the all-creating word;
Ye heard Him call our world from nought;
Again, in honour of your Lord,
Ye morning stars, your hymns employ,
And shout, ye sons of God, for joy.


[O astonishing grace]

O astonishing grace,
That the reprobate race
Should be so reconciled!
What a wonder of wonders that God is a child!
The Creator of all,
To repair our sad fall,
From heaven stoops down;
Lays hold of our nature, and joins to His own.


Our Immanuel came,
The whole world to redeem,
And incarnated show'd
That man may again be united to God!
And shall we not hope
After God to wake up,
His nature to know?
His nature is spotless perfection below.
To this heavenly prize
By faith let us rise,
To His image ascend;
Apprehended of God, let us God apprehend.


[All-wise, all-good, almighty Lord]

All-wise, all-good, almighty Lord,
Jesus, by highest heavens adored,
Ere time its course began,
How did Thy glorious mercy stoop
To take the fallen nature up,
When Thou Thyself wert man!
The' eternal God from heaven came down,
The King of Glory dropp'd His crown,
And veil'd His majesty;
Emptied of all but love He came;
Jesus, I call Thee by the name
Thy pity bore for me.
O Holy Child, still let Thy birth
Bring peace to us poor worms on earth,
And praise to God on high!


Come, Thou who didst my flesh assume,
Now to the abject sinner come,
And in a manger lie.
Didst Thou not in Thy person join
The natures human and Divine,
That God and man might be
Henceforth inseparably one?
Haste then, and make Thy nature known,
Incarnated in me.
In my weak sinful flesh appear,
O God, be manifested here,
Peace, righteousness, and joy,
Thy kingdom, Lord, set up within
My faithful heart; and all my sin,
The devil's work, destroy.
I long Thy coming to confess,
The mystic power of godliness,
The life Divine to prove:
The fulness of Thy life to know,
Redeem'd from all my sin below,
And perfected in love.
O Christ, my Hope, make known in me
The great, the glorious mystery,
The hidden life impart:
Come, Thou Desire of nations, come,
Form'd in a spotless virgin's womb,
A pure believing heart.
Come quickly, gracious Lord, that I
May own, though antichrist deny,
Thy incarnation's power.


May cry, a witness to my Lord,
“Come in my flesh is Christ the Word,
And I can sin no more!”


[O mercy Divine]

O mercy Divine,
How couldst Thou incline,
May God, to become such an infant as mine?
What a wonder of grace,
The Ancient of Days
Is found in the likeness of Adam's frail race!
He comes from on high,
Who fashion'd the sky,
And meekly vouchsafes in a manger to lie.
Our God, ever blest,
With oxen doth rest,
Is nursed by His creature, and hangs at the breast.
So heavenly mild
His innocence smiled,
No wonder the mother should worship the Child.
The angels she knew
Had worshipp'd Him too,
And still they confess adoration His due.
On Jesus's face
With eager amaze,
And pleasures ecstatic, the cherubim gaze.
Their newly born King
Transported they sing,
And heaven and earth with the triumph doth ring.


The shepherds behold
Him promised of old
By angels attended, by prophets foretold.
The wise men adore,
And bring Him their store,
The rich are permitted to follow the poor.
To the inn they repair,
To see the young Heir;
The inn is a palace, for Jesus is there.
Who now would be great,
And not rather wait
On Jesus, their Lord, in His humble estate?
Like Him would I be,
My Master I see
In a stable; a stable shall satisfy me.
With Him I reside;
The manger shall hide
Mine honour, the manger shall bury my pride.
And here will I lie,
Till raised up on high,
With Him on the cross, I recover the sky.


[Where is the holy heaven-born Child]

Where is the holy heaven-born Child,
Heir of the everlasting throne,
Who heaven and earth hath reconciled,
And God and man rejoin'd in one?


Shall we of earthly kings inquire,
To courts or palaces repair?
The nation's Hope, the world's Desire,
Alas! we cannot find Him there.
Shall learning show the Sinner's Friend,
Or scribes a sight of Christ afford?
Us to His natal place they send,
But never go to see the Lord.
We search the outward church in vain,
They cannot Him we seek declare,
They have not found the Son of Man,
Or known the sacred Name they bear.
Then let us turn no more aside,
But use the Light Himself imparts;
His Spirit is our surest guide,
His Spirit glimmering in our hearts.
Drawn by His grace we come from far,
And fix on heaven our wishful eyes;
That ray Divine, that orient star
Directs us where the Infant lies.
See there! The new-born Saviour see,
By faith discern the great I AM;
'Tis He! The eternal God! 'Tis He
That bears the mild Immanuel's name.
The Prince of Peace on earth is found,
The Child is born, the Son is given,
Tell it to all the nations round,
Jehovah is come down from heaven.


Jehovah is come down to raise
His dying creatures from their fall,
And all may now receive the grace
Which brings eternal life to all.
Lord, we receive the grace, and Thee,
With joy unspeakable receive,
And rise Thine open face to see,
And one with God for ever live.


[All glory to God in the sky]

All glory to God in the sky,
And peace upon earth be restored!
O Jesus, exalted on high,
Appear, our omnipotent Lord!
Who, meanly in Bethlehem born,
Didst stoop to redeem a lost race,
Once more to Thy creatures return,
And reign in Thy kingdom of grace.
When Thou in our flesh didst appear,
All nature acknowledged Thy birth;
Arose the acceptable year,
And heaven was open'd on earth;
Receiving its Lord from above,
The world was united to bless
The Giver of concord and love,
The Prince and the Author of peace.
O wouldst Thou again be made known,
Again in Thy Spirit descend,
And set up in each of Thine own
A kingdom that never shall end!


Thou only art able to bless,
And make the glad nations obey,
And bid the dire enmity cease,
And bow the whole world to Thy sway.
Come then to Thy servants again,
Who long Thy appearing to know,
Thy quiet and peaceable reign
In mercy establish below:
All sorrow before Thee shall fly,
And anger and hatred be o'er,
And envy and malice shall die,
And discord afflict us no more.
No horrid alarum of war
Shall break our eternal repose,
No sound of the trumpet is there,
Where Jesus's Spirit o'erflows:
Appeas'd by the charms of Thy grace
We all shall in amity join,
And kindly each other embrace,
And love with a passion like Thine.