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Article II. Specific Businesses, Professions and Occupations.

§ 16A-23. Advertising distributors.

§ 16A-24. Agents—Generally.

§ 16A-25. Same—Books.

§ 16A-26. Same—Books of coupons.

§ 16A-27. Same—Labor.

§ 16A-28. Same—Nonresident fertilizer companies.

§ 16A-29. Alcoholic beverages including mixed alcoholic beverages.


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§ 16A-30. Amusements.

§ 16A-31. Auctioneers.

§ 16A-32. Automobile washing and polishing.

§ 16A-33. Bakers.

§ 16A-34. Barbers, beauty shops, etc.

§ 16A-35. Billboards and wall signs.

§ 16A-36. Billiards or pool parlors.

§ 16A-36.1. Book publishers; book binders.

§ 16A-37. Bootblacks.

§ 16A-38. Bottling works.

§ 16A-39. Brokers in stocks, bonds, bills and options or futures.

§ 16A-40. Building and loan association.

§ 16A-41. Buyers of gold and silver.

§ 16A-42. Carnival.

§ 16A-43. City directory or telephone directory.

§ 16A-44. Cleaning and pressing.

§ 16A-45. Cold storage plant—Generally.

§ 16A-46. Same—Rental of lockers.

§ 16A-47. Community television antenna system.

§ 16A-48. Contractors and contracting.

§ 16A-49. Dance halls.

§ 16A-50. Dealers in firearms, dirks and Bowie knives.

§ 16A-51. Dental laboratory.

§ 16A-52. Detective; detective agency.

§ 16A-53. Electricity.

§ 16A-54. Exterminators.

§ 16A-55. Florists.

§ 16A-56. Flour and meal manufacturer.

§ 16A-57. Fortunetellers.

§ 16A-58. Furniture upholsterer or repairer.

§ 16A-59. Garage storage.

§ 16A-60. Gasoline and other petroleum products brought from outside
city for resale.

§ 16A-61. Hobby horses, merry-go-rounds, ferris wheels, etc.

§ 16A-62. Hotels and motels.

§ 16A-63. Ice cream or sherbet manufacturer for retail sale.

§ 16A-63.1. Investment managers or counselors.

§ 16A-64. Itinerant and distressed merchandise vendors.

§ 16A-65. Itinerant musicians.

§ 16A-66. Junk dealers.

§ 16A-67. Laboratory animal preparation.

§ 16A-68. Launderettes.

§ 16A-69. Laundries—Generally.

§ 16A-70. Same—Nonresidents.


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§ 16A-71. Same—Supplying automobile covers, cleaning cloths, uniforms
and wearing apparel and diapers.

§ 16A-72. Laundry machines.

§ 16A-73. Livestock brokers.

§ 16A-74. Loans.

§ 16A-75. Machine shops.

§ 16A-76. Manufacturers; processors.

§ 16A-77. Merchants—Retail.

§ 16A-78. Same—Placing vending machines.

§ 16A-79. Same—Wholesale.

§ 16A-80. Miscellaneous businesses.

§ 16A-81. Motor freight terminals.

§ 16A-82. Outside agents.

§ 16A-83. Pawnbrokers.

§ 16A-84. Peddlers—Generally.

§ 16A-85. Same—Producers' certificate.

§ 16A-85.1. Same—Peddling to dealers or retailers.

§ 16A-85.2. Personal and commercial service businesses.

§ 16A-86. Photographers.

§ 16A-87. Plumbers.

§ 16A-88. Potato chip manufacturers.

§ 16A-89. Printers.

§ 16A-90. Professional occupations.

§ 16A-91. Redemption stores of premium stamp suppliers.

§ 16A-92. Repairs.

§ 16A-93. Restaurants.

§ 16A-94. Schools.

§ 16A-95. Shoemakers and repairs.

§ 16A-96. Shooting galleries.

§ 16A-97. Shows, circuses, etc.

§ 16A-98. Skating rinks.

§ 16A-99. Storing and impounding.

§ 16A-100. Street vendors or merchants.

§ 16A-101. Tailors and cutters.

§ 16A-102. Taxicabs and u-drive-it vehicles.

§ 16A-103. Telegraph companies.

§ 16A-104. Repealed.

§ 16A-105. Telephone companies.

§ 16A-106. Theatricals.

§ 16A-107. Tobacco, snuff, etc., retailers.

§ 16A-108. Tourist homes.

§ 16A-109. Trailer camps.

§ 16A-110. Undertakers, embalmers and funeral directors.

§ 16A-111. Vehicles using loudspeakers, etc., for advertising.

§ 16A-112. Vending machines.