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The whole Psalter translated into English Metre

which contayneth an hundreth and fifty Psalmes

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Psalme. LII.

The Argument.

This Psalme inueith: and is full wroth,
agaynst oppressours myght:
To Christ so Iudas fygure goth,
to Dauid Doegs spyte.

Quid glo riaris.


Why boast thy selfe: thou tyraunt thus?
in malice vauntyng aye?
Knowst not that God is gracious?
to good men day by daye?


Thy tong contriueth: all crokednes,
of hartes aboundance great:
Wyth guiles it cutteth in craftines,
as rasour sharply whet.


Thou malice louest: aboue all good,
to hurt more then to helpe:
To hatch more lyes: then truth to broode,
lyke Adams byrd and whelpe.



Thou hast but loued: to speake all nought,
that may perdition bring:
O thou false tong: thou hast but sought,
deceite by flatteryng.



Therfore shall God: quite thee subuert,
thy house to take from thee:
And roote thee out: all ouerwhart,
no lyuing land to see.



In seyng thys: the ryghteous man,
shall feare and worshyp God:
And shall say thus to scorne hym than,
in Gods so heauy rod.


Lo thys the man: that had no lust,
in God hys strength to set:
But he in heapes: of gold dyd trust,
by sinne hys strength he met.


But I am lyke: in God hys house,
a fruitfull Olyue grene:
In Gods good grace: most piteous,
my trust shall aye be sene.


I will laude thee: for euer iust,
thy word doth neuer mis:
Thy name so good: shall be my trust,
wyth good men good it is.