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Mundi et Cordis

De Rebus Sempiternis et Temporariis: Carmina. Poems and Sonnets. By Thomas Wade

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I read of “Julian” and “Count Maddalo,”
Till in their spirits' presence stood my soul;
And blending with their sympathy of woe,
A tempest woke my thoughts, and they 'gan roll,
Billow on billow, toward Eternity—
And Passion's cloud hung over the vast Sea.
Where is the Essence now, that thought and spoke?
Absorb'd like water, the frail vessel broke
That held it trembling from the sand awhile?
Or doth it quiver still; and, quivering, smile
At the now clear'd-up Mystery of Creation?
Which shook it once even to its mortal seat,
Which seems the brain and heart, that burn and beat,
Till Life pants darkly for Annihilation.