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We met but once, and not again:
Too soon that meeting or too late.
We crossed each other's path—in vain!
What else,—what else had been our fate?
Should we have touched each other's life,
Have made it other than it is,
Have tuned the discords, healed the strife,
Brought into it some touch of bliss?
Though thou and I, friend, live apart,
And lands and seas between us lie,
I feel as if I knew thine heart,
Could read thine ev'ry smile and sigh.
Thy very thoughts I can divine;
Our feelings flow in full accord,
Yours mingling in one stream with mine,
By the same sympathies are stirred.


And if our lives are ne'er to meet,
And we on earth shall never more
Enjoy together converse sweet,
And hope of fellowship is o'er,—
There is a day that draweth near
When we shall reach the farther land,
And why we met shall then be clear,—
Why only once, shall understand.