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Poems by James Hyslop

... With a Sketch of his Life, and Notes on his Poems, By the Rev. Peter Mearns

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Air“Ye Banks and Braes o' Bonnie Doon.”

There are twa dark, sweet, smilin' e'en
Since days o' youth hae haunted me;
At hame in Scotland's glens o' green,
And far upon the distant sea;
Where Nature spreads her clusterin vines
On rich Madeira's lovely isle;
Where Chili's balmy summer shines,
Still, still I see her early smile.
Oh! absence ne'er can change the truth,
And distance ne'er can blot away
Her form wha in the days of youth
In love upon my bosom lay!
In many a circle, gay and glad,
I've mingled since I met wi' thee;
But thou who shared my tartan plaid
Shalt aye be dearest far to me.