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Narrative poems on the Female Character

in the various relations of life. By Mary Russell Mitford ... Vol. I

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“My Isabel!”—The King again
Sought to repress her sorrow vain,
“He was our joy; but light all pain,
Whilst we are spar'd to bless each other!
Calm for thy husband's sake the strife,
Who lives but in thy peace, thy life!”
“Dost thou conjure me as thy wife,
And was I not his mother?
O most unnatural! The she-wolf
Will plunge down the rift mountain's gulf,
To save or to avenge her whelp!
Whilst I—” “How could thy feeble help,
My Queen, our bleeding infant save?
Life visits not the tranquil grave.—


But for revenge, my Isabel,
The murderess—” The scream that fell
From that fair dame was horrible!
Dreadful to hear, to feel, to tell.