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SONG LIX. A Round.

SONG LIX. A Round.

[Let's chase away, mad Malancholly!]


Let's chase away, mad Malancholly!
Hange pinching!
(Spight of Wenching!)
Curse States!
Damn Fates!
Here's a jolly
Cup, to the Bully!
Tope thy Liquor, and see this health go round.


And He that swallows a Beer-bowle,
Leaves Thinking,
Minds his Drinking,
And shall,
Quaff all,
May that Dear-soul,
Ever be Chearful,
And his sorrows, as his soul, be drown'd!
Then here's to Mall, with the Scallop smock,
Let's fancy the time, she all up took,
And to Betty-fair,
That does it, to a Hair,
Were it a Mile to the bottom
I'de take every jot down,
And not a spoonfull to Jone,
I Love a hayry Bush well,
But Pox on things like a Bushell,
As for little Nan,
I'le Touch her, if I can,
Or silken sim'pring Sarah
I'me sure she carries good Ware-a,
And I'le Trade with her Anon.