University of Virginia Library

Quaþ þe soudan, ‘whennes artow,
Into mi court comen art now,
& misseyst me so schameliche,
& þretest me so dedeliche?’
Gij answerd, ‘ich-il þe telle:
Mi name for-hele y nille.
Gij of Warwike mi name is;
In þat cuntre y was born y-wis.’
Þe soudan answerd þo:
‘Artow Gij, so mot þou go,
Þou slouȝ mi nevou Cosdram:
His heued þou smot þe bodi fram;
Þou it schalt abigge, bi Apolin!
Today is comen ending þin!’
He hete anon þat Gij wer nome
& y-cast in his prisoun,
Fort þe cloþ ben y-drawe,
& þan reweliche ben y-slawe.
Gij drouȝ out his swerd anon,
& priked his stede wel gode won.
Bi seyn Denis he gan to swere,
Ȝif ani man so hardi were,


Þat him neyȝed wiþ schond,
He schuld dye þurch his hond.