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Divine Fancies

Digested into Epigrammes, Meditations, and Observations. By Fra: Quarles

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66. On Zacheus .

Me thinks, I see, with what a busie hast,
Zacheus climb'd the Tree: But, O, how fast
How full of speed, canst thou imagine (when
Our Saviour call'd) he powder'd downe agen!
He ne're made tryall if the boughes were sound,
Or rotten; nor how far 'twas to the ground:
There was no danger fear'd: At such a Call,
Hee'l venture nothing, that dare feare a fall:
Needs must he downe, by such a Spirit driven;
Nor could he fall, vnlesse he fell to Heaven:
Downe came Zacheus, ravisht from the Tree;
Bird that was shot, ne're dropt so quicke as he.