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The teares or lamentations of a sorrowfull Soule

Set foorth by Sir William Leighton

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Short Meditations or Iaculatorie prayers, to be had in memorie vppon seuerall occasions.

Short Meditations or Iaculatorie prayers, to be had in memorie vppon seuerall occasions.

When any sodaine feare assayleth thee, pray.

[Be vnto me O Lord a Tower]

Be vnto me O Lord a Tower,
of strength against my mortall foe:

Psal. 60.

O guard and ward me with thy power,
which way soeuer I shall goe:
Then shall my heart and soule reioyce,
in God my Lord with cheerefull voice.

If an ill Suspicion ouertake thee.

Create O Lord my heart anewe,
regenerate my spirit within:

Psal. 50.

Suspicious thoughts, which me pursue,
expell, and purge me from my sinne:
Still let thine Angels me conduct,
and with thy spirit my soule instruct.


If vndesent sadnes perplex thee.

Psal. 50.

Let thy saluation be my ioy,

confirme me with thy spirit of grace:
Let sadnes not my soule annoy,
for pensiue thoughts too much take place:
Oh let my comforts still reside
in Christ, who for my sinnes hath dy'de.

If vaine-glory seduce thee.

Not vnto vs, but to thy name

Psal. 115.

all honour (Lord) we attribute:

For thou alone deseru'st the same,
what can we to our selues impute?
Oh Lord, thou knowest we are but dust,
yet we presume in thee to trust.

If despaire molest thee.

Psal. 70.

Thou art my hope euen from my youth,

& from my Mothers wombe my guide:
Why should I then despaire in truth,
but in thy mercies euer bide:
For thou O Lord wilt still protect,
with consolation thine elect.


If thou be afflicted in minde.

Helpe me and I shall then be safe,

Psal. 118.

and I will meditate alwaies:
Vpholde me with thy strongest Staffe,
that I may euer sing thee praise:
Thy wonted loue Lord let me finde,
to comfort mine afflicted minde.

If Slouth assaile thee.

Lord, with thy powre my soule excite,

Psal. 79.

come and confirme me in thy way:
That in thy lawes I may delight,
and from thy statuts neuer stray:
Rouse and reuiue my drowsie spirit,
that ioyes with thee I may inherit.

If wrath disturbe thee.

Oh giue me patience Lord, and peace,

Luke. 12.

least yt my soule should lose her crowne:
O let thy loue to me increase,
and powre thy grace and mercy downe:
For thou hast said in thy behest,
in patience be your soules possest.


If desire of honour or promotion tempt thee.

Psal. 118.

Lord vnto thee my heart incline,

from greedie gaine my thoughts withdrawe:
From vanitie direct mine eyne,
and rectifie me in thy lawe:
For in thee doth all honour rest,
it comes not from the East nor West.

If Gluttonie solicit thee.

Thy Kingdome is not drinke nor meate,
but ioy and peace in heauen aboue:
T'is not the flesh which we doe eate,
can profit vs without thy loue:
Then with thy grace my spirit cherish,
for that's the foode which cannot perish.

If any blessing of God happen to thee.

VVhat shall I render to my Lord,
for all his blessings powr'd on me:
My heart and soule with one accord,
shall laud and praise thy maiestie:
All Blessings doe from thee descend,
blest be thy name world without end.


In any grieuous persecutions.

Ivdge them oh Lord which me pursue,
and ouer-throw my foes in fight:
And with thy sword confound that crewe,
which prosecut me with despight:
Oh be thou still my guard and guide,
defending me on euery side.

When thou seest thou art forsaken of God.

Lord, why doest thou depart away?
and turn'st thy face out of my sight:
Oh let thy comfort with me stay,
for now O Lord it waxeth night:
O let my soule not be dismaide,
to the O Lord I cry for ayde.

Against Detractours.

Saue me, O Lord, for righteous men,
and truth begin to faile:
There is no truth in tongue nor pen,
detractions now so much preuaile:
Confound the tongue and lipps of those,
who to deceipt themselues dispose.


For our enemies.

Lay not their sinne vnto their charge,
alas they know not what they doe:
But of thy mercies them inlarge,
free them from sinne, and Sathan too:
Open their eies that they may see,
and so repent their iniurie.

If Corrupt flesh prouoke thee.

Psal. 118.

Lord pearce my flesh with thy true feare,

subdue my wicked vilde desire:
I know thy iudgements are seuere,
in me Lord quench lusts burning fire:
Which sinne, God graunt all may abhore,
which is the cause of many more.

If labour tyre thee.

Behold, Lord my humillity,
and eke my labour doe respect:
Forgiue my faults continually,
wherein my duty I neglect:
Let neither time nor labour tyre,
my thoughts to serue thee with desire.