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[Sweet soule! which now with heav'nly songs doost tel]

Sweet soule! which now with heav'nly songs doost tel
Thy deare Redeemer's glory, and his prayse,
No mervaile though thy skilfull Muse assayes
The songs of other soules there to excell;
For thou didst learne to sing divinely well,
Long time before thy fayre and glittering rayes
Encreas'd the light of heav'n, for even thy layes
Most heavenly were, when thou on earth didst dwel.
When thou didst on the earth sing Poet-wise,
Angels in heav'n pray'd for thy company;
And now thou sing'st with Angels in the skies,
Shall not all Poets praise thy memory?
And to thy name shall not their works give fame
When as their works be sweetned by thy name?