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The works of Sir William Mure of Rowallan

Edited with introduction, notes, and glossary by William Tough

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Sonet 10.

My lif's fraile Barge, with an impetuous tyde,
Is on this world's tempestuous Ocean tost:
For me, as for our second Sire, provyde
A saving Ark, O Lord, or I am lost.
Or as thy people, (while proud Pharaoh's hoast
Seas overwhelmd,) through floods firme passage fand.
A Vessell weake, Mee save, at too much cost
Redeem't to bee depriv'd of promis'd Land.
As earst to Peter, Lord, streach foorth thine hand,
On liquid floare while as his fayth did faynt:
Let not betwixt mee and thy mercie stand
That I a sinner vile, hee liv'd a Saint.
Thy Glorie greater, greater is thy praise,
Mee a dead Lazare, from sinne's grave to raise.