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The Psalmes of David

The King And Prophet, And Of other holy Prophets, paraphas'd in English: Conferred with the Hebrew Veritie, set forth by B. Arias Montanus, together with the Latine, Greek Septuagint, and Chaldee Paraphrase. By R. B. [i.e. Richard Brathwait]

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Psal. 72. Deus, Judicium.



O God, give Judgement to the King,
thy Judgements depths to sound;
And to the Kings son, Knowledge bring,
where Justice may be found.


So, he that gives the life to Lawes,
an upright hand shall beare:
With Justice judge the peoples cause,
the poore, with Judgement, heare.


The Mountaines, that in height excell,
shall bring the people peace;
The lesser Hills, that lower dwell,
by Justice shall encrease.


Him, for their Judge the poore shall have,
to crush the fraudulent:
The sons of needy-soules to save,
suppresse the violent.


And they with feare shall thee adore,
when daies and nights are none;
When Sun and Moon shall shine no more,
when Ages all are gone.


He shall come downe, like soaking showers,
in fleece-shorne medow mowne;
Embroid'ring earth with fruits and flowers,
on Summers mantle growne.


The Just shall flourish in his daies,
and multitude of peace;
Untill the Moones extinguisht raies,
shall change, to change, and cease.


The utmost shoare, from sea to sea,
shall be his Empires bound;


And from Euphrates watrie-lea,
as farre as earth hath ground.


The Ethiopian Sun-burnt Crust,
shall (bow'd before him) kneele:
His enemies shall licke the dust,
that scatt'reth from his heele.


With presents, and with precious things,
from Tharshish, and the Isles;
From Sheba, and from Seba, Kings,
shall measure worlds of miles.


All Kings (before whom subjects kneele)
kneele downe, and serve him shall:
All Nations, his dread Scepter feele,
and downe before him fall.


For he that heares him, shall redeeme
the needy, when he cries:
The poore un-heeded soule esteem,
and him that helplesse lies.


The simple he (with want, that strive)
shall mercifully spare:
Preserve the needy-soules alive,
and for their safetie care.


Their soule from rapine he shall free,
whom fraud or force betray:
And precious in his eies shall be
the bloud that they shall pay.


And he shall live, and Sheba's gold,
to him shall men commend;
And praiers for him continuall hold,
to praise him all day spend.


A shocke of corne the Hills shall make,
the Citie shall abound;
Whose fruit, like Lebanon shall shake,
and spring, as grasse on ground.



His Name (the Son) when Sun shall rest,
shine fresh for ever shall:
Yea, in his Name (and call him blest)
be blest shall Nations all.


To God the Lord, the God in whom
the sonnes of Israel live:
From whom alone all wonders come,
to him all blessings give.


Be ever blest his glorious Name,
and by the sons of men,
Let with his glory, earths whole frame
be fill'd, Amen, Amen.


For Solomon his sonne to sing,
this Psalme his father penn'd;
So Davids praiers here did the King,
the sonne of Jishai, end.