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[The Courte of Vertu

contaynynge many holy songes, Sonettes, psalmes and ballettes] [by John Hall]

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The innocent sclaundered complaineth praying for the conuertion of his enemies.

The innocent sclaundered complaineth praying for the conuertion of his enemies.

Al cōfortles is without any ayd,
now shuld I remayn if God wer not he,
which in ye defēce of good mē hath sayd,
in all their distresse their helper to be.


My hope is therfore sure fixed O lorde,
That thou dost abhorre all vntrue reporte:
And as thou dost byd in thy holy worde,
All only for helpe to thee I resorte.
From thee O good lord ther is nothyng hyd,
Prouoke them by force their lyfe to refrayne:
For they doe reporte that I neuer dyd,
Accepted of suche as lyes doe maynteyne.
Good lord let not them their purpose obteyn,
Which in these my days wold turn me to shame
Not that I refuse to suffer the peyne,
But only that it turne not to their blame.
My harmes be heinous whē they me defame
But yet the moste harme to them doth returne,
When they vpon me doe reporte the same,
That they can not proue, it maketh me morne.
Lo thus am I bent in good part to take.
The sclander of tongues, rememberyng thee.
Contented to suffer all thynges for thy sake,
For vengeance only belongeth to thee.
Oh mercifull Lord I render therfore
To thee condygne thāks, which art my defence
O strengthen me then good lorde euer more,
That I may styll suffer with pure pacience:
And finally graunt oh mercifull lorde,
That these false lyers may turne and conuert
And being instructed by thy swete worde,
They may be ryght sad and sory in heart.


To God our Creator and lord omnipotent,
The Father, the Sonne, and the holy ghost,
Thre persons and one God most excellent,
Be all prayse and honour as worthy most.