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[Chronicle of Fabyan]

[by Robert Fabyan

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Septima Pars Henrici .iiii.

[Parfyght and prudent Rycharde by ryght the seconde]

Parfyght and prudent Rycharde by ryght the seconde
Uaynquysshed by fortune lyeth here nowe grauen in stone
Trewe of his worde and therto well resounde
Semely of persone and lyke to Omer as one
In worldely prudence and euer the Churche in one
Up helde and fauoured castynge the proude to grounde
And all that wolde his royall state confounde
But yet alas thoughe that this metyr or ryme
Thus doth enbelysshe this noble Pryncis fame
And that some Clerke which fauoured hym some tyme
Lyste by his cunnynge thus to enhaunce his name
yet by his story apperith in hym some blame
Wherefore to Pryncys is surest memory
Theyr lyues to exercyse in vertous constancy.

[The peruerse Heretyke/though that he do brenne]

The peruerse Heretyke/though that he do brenne
And from this worlde/be rasyd vtterly
No force/syne that he lyst nat kenne
Our sacred fayth/but it right peruersly
Lyst of his wyll/Erronyously to reply
What force/thougth Sathan with his eternall payne.
Do hym rewarde/syn he wyll nat refrayne.