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Graduate Research Assistantships funded by the Pratt allocation are an important component of the school's research training program in the basic medical sciences. Students are compensated during the final years of their training, when primarily engaged in individual research projects. In addition, students receive support while on summer research rotations. The Pratt funds allocation of $245,000 represents approximately 13 percent of the 2001-2002 total program budget of $1.9 million.

Postdoctoral Fellowship Support The major recipients are expected to be postdoctoral fellows in the basic sciences that have received peer-reviewed external fellowships, which need supplementation to bring salary support to a competitive level. These supplements will be administered through the office of the Associate Dean for Graduate Studies. Support was awarded at $24,000 for the first year, with funding for the second year rising to $48,000, $72,000 for 2000-2001 and $72,000 for 2001-2002. No further increments in this amount are anticipated.

$428,005 will be provided for research training to support the M.D./Ph.D. Program. This program plays a vital role in the School of Medicine by providing future physicians with extensive research training that shapes their subsequent careers. This program had been funded by NIH for 21 years and experienced a funding hiatus. The program will again receive NIH funding with a phasing-in period, and will therefore continue to need Pratt funding for the next several years. This support will maintain this valuable program until external support is established.