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Female roommate wanted for
summer $40/mo. Own room, pool,
air-conditioned. Univ. Heights.
977-3. *(4196)

Roommate wanted to share 2
bedroom apt., A/C, pool. Hayes
Gardens, Rent $7. Call 9-04.

Need another roommate? Girl
wants furn. apt. in Rugby Rd. area
for Sept. Will share expenses. Call
977-772. *(410)

Help for yard and stable work Full
or part time to work thru summer.
Call 29-6755 after 6:00 p.m.

Wanted: female roommate to share
2 bedroom apt. at U. Heights for 1
June – 30 Aug. Own room.
$/mo. Call 977-6126. *(4109)

Need summer roommates to share
apartment private bedrooms. Pool
AC. $55./mo. Hayes Gardens. Call
977-1649). *(411)

Female Roommate wanted – June
1 – bargain, share apartment, own
room, $65 month, walking
distance. Call 293-3193. *(4114)

May 1 – Female roommate wanted.
Share furnished apartment, $55
month, walking distance. Call
293-3193. *(4114)

Needed to maintain relative sanity:
A country place to live next year.
2- bedrooms. Michael 977-5248.

Opening: position available June 15
for Resident Manager of University
International Center. Applicants
should be graduate students,
preferably married, with experience
in working with persons of varied
cultural backgrounds. Duties
include supervision of Center,
coordination of program activities,
under direction of International
Student Office. Pleasant living
quarters at 21 University Circle and
small salary provided, hours
flexible. For further information
call Mrs. Hale, International
Student Adviser, ext 3102. *(4119)

Albemarle County has a full time
secretarial position open. Call
296-5621 ext. 67 or 68 for
appointment. *(4158)

Wanted: Roommate for summer.
Hayes Gardens Apt. Rent
negotiable. Own bedroom. Call
296-4763. *(4200)

Lifeguards wanted: Albemarle
County Parks Dept. is looking for
several good lifeguards. Good Pay.
Call 296-5621, Ext. 67. *(4204)

Wanted to rent: for summer 1
bedroom cottage, prefer county
location, 293-4004. *(4213)

Good quality tennis racket – man's
grip – preferably metal. Price Neg.
Call Stephanie Hays at CD.
924-3387. *(st)

Couple for summer on Cape Cod.
Call 973-5884. *(4164)

Male Grad student desires 1 bdrm.
basement/1st floor apt. near U.
Beginning May, year lease.
977-4663 or 977-6471. *(4189)

Two non-Turkeys wanted to share
apt. next year. $50-55. Call Lee or
Steve 977-8032. *(4190)

Female roommate for summer:
furnished apt., excellent location
behind law school,
$50/month/negotiable. 977-3835.

RN needed as camp nurse for
month of July. Superior conditions.
Call Karla Sorensen after 6 p.m.