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[O Son of God, in vain]

O Son of God, in vain
Wast Thou reveal'd below,
Unless Thou by Thy Spirit again
Thyself to sinners show.
Before Thy presence here,
Unless my sins depart,
And Thou the pardoning God appear
To this poor guilty heart.
Answer the blessed end
Of Thy stupendous grace;
And still in mercy condescend
To our distinguish'd race.
Though by all heaven adored,
Thy flesh with pity see;
And with Thy great salvation, Lord,
Vouchsafe to visit me.
Didst Thou not leave Thy throne
For a mean house of clay,
And put my feeble nature on
To take my sins away?
Fulfil Thy own design,
The hindering thing remove,
That God and man in Thee may join,
And I my Saviour love.
Come then, Thou very God,
In this accepted hour,
Partaker of my flesh and blood,
Display Thy Spirit's power.
My weaknesses assume,
Who didst the heavens bow,


Be manifest again, and come
To save a sinner now.
Now is salvation's day,
Now is the time of love;
No longer, gracious Lord, delay
Thy coming from above.
The same Thou always art;
Thyself to me make known,
Perform the counsels of Thy heart,
And let Thy will be done.
It cannot be Thy will
That I unsaved should live,
Wretched in sin, continue still,
And still Thy Spirit grieve.
But till Thyself I know,
From sin I cannot cease;
Jesus, appear, Thy mercy show,
And bid me die in peace.