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[Thou God of my salvation]

Thou God of my salvation,
Implant Thy mind in me,
To' uproot the dire occasion
Of strife and enmity.
By Thine own Spirit humbling,
Out of my heart remove
The only ground of stumbling,
The haughty selfish love.
This stubborn bent to evil
Which in my soul I feel,
This nature of the devil,
Here must it always dwell?
The criminal propension
To sin's forbidden joy,
The pride that breeds contention
Thou wilt at last destroy.
Thy kingdom come in power,
And joy, and perfect peace;
To end the hellish hour
Bring in Thy righteousness.
The brightness of Thy presence,
Discover from above;
And cheer mine inmost essence
With the pure light of love.


To every ransom'd creature,
Like my Redeemer, kind,
I would Thy pitying nature,
Thy yearning bowels find.
That charity fraternal,
On me, my Lord, bestow;
And chase the fiend infernal
To his own place below.
Long as Thy love residing
Within my heart I feel,
In Thee, my God, abiding
In purest Light I dwell.
And if I now receive Thee,
My God, my all in all,
Thou wilt not let me leave Thee,
And then I cannot fall.