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[How shall I make my calling sure?]

How shall I make my calling sure?
By penitence and faith in Thee
(Whose death my pardon did procure
And bought eternal life for me).
By wrestling on in instant prayer,
By listening to the gospel-word,
Till Thou Thy saving name declare,
And faith beholds its bleeding Lord.
Soon as the blood has touch'd my heart
I my effectual calling know,
From all iniquity depart,
And in Thy shining footsteps go;
Walking in Thee, I go in peace
Thine acceptable will to prove,
And follow after holiness,
True holiness, and perfect love.
Daily I now myself deny,
Daily my welcome cross sustain,
Till every vile affection die,
And not one sinful thought remain.
When Satan hath in me no part,
And stamp'd with Thy good Spirit's seal,
I love Thee, Lord, with all my heart,
I then my sure election feel:
Renew'd I in Thy image rise,
Nor ever grieve Thy goodness more,
But grasp my calling's glorious prize,
And God in spirit and truth adore.
O that the promised time were come,
O that Thou wouldst the heavens bow,
And let a ransom'd worm presume
To look for Thy appearing now.


Now, Saviour, bring the joyful hour,
(If pardon in Thy blood I have,)
With all Thy sanctifying power,
Make speed to help, make haste to save.
Tell me my faith hath made me whole,
And throughly wash'd in Thy own blood,
Save, to the utmost save my soul,
And plunge me in the depths of God.