University of Virginia Library


[See the power of God to save!]

Kept by the power of God. —i. 5.

See the power of God to save!
Jesu's grace in me admire,
Kept, like Peter, on the wave,
Kept, like Shadrach, in the fire,
Rescued from the lion's teeth,
Safe within the jaws of death!
Christ, the saving Power Divine,
Thee by faith I apprehend,
Every moment take of Thine,
Till my faith in vision end,
Till through Thine almighty love,
Pure I take my place above.
Kept from sin, the world, and hell,
By Thy grace through faith I am,
Till Thy nature Thou reveal,
Tell me all Thy secret name,
Read it on my heart impress'd,
Take me perfect to Thy breast.