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[O that the power were mine]

Elias was a man subject to like passions, &c. —v. 17, 18.

O that the power were mine,
To saints and prophets given,
The power of faithful prayer Divine,
Which shuts and opens heaven!
Then would I wrestle on,
And more than conqueror prove,
And bring the hallowing Spirit down,
In showers of purest love.
Thy servant, Lord, prepare,
Thy glory to display,
Remove this unbelieving bar,
And teach me how to pray:
Author of faith Thou art;
Help my infirmity,
And put Thy Spirit within my heart,
And pray Thyself in me.
A wretched man of sin,
By various passions torn,
This aching want, this drought within,
This barrenness I mourn:
The heavens as brass I find
Shut up against my prayer;
But O, my Lord, humanely kind,
Mine Advocate is there!
Jesus the Just appears,
Before the throne of grace!


And Thee Thy Father always hears
For all the ransom'd race:
O let Thy prayer obtain
The blessing from the skies,
Renew, o'erflow, and turn again
Our earth to paradise.