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[Come, let us obey]

Come, let us obey,
For He calls us away,


Who in mercy attends,
And delivers His own, wheresoever He sends.
We have nothing to fear
With Jesus so near,
Our invisible Guide,
We are guarded by Him, and in Him we abide.
By sea and by land,
Conceal'd in His hand
From all dangers and snares;
He covers our head, and He numbers our hairs.
We may sing as we go
Through the valley of woe,
For our lives are above,
And we rest in the arms of Omnipotent Love.
Till He knows it is best,
We are never distress'd;
Till His pity ordain,
We are never afflicted with sickness or pain.
The terrible king
No alarum can bring;
His threats we defy;
Though his quiver is full, not an arrow can fly.
We are safe in His hands
Who all nature commands,
And hath number'd our days,
And will order our lives as is most for His praise.
Will o'errule and defend
Till our pilgrimage end,
And in Christ we remove
With a flaming escort to our country above.