University of Virginia Library



Praise to the valiant and faithful foe!
Give us noble foes, not the friend who lies!
We dread the drugg'd cup, not the open blow;
We dread the old hate in the new disguise.
To Ossory's Prince they had pledged their word:
He stood in their camp, and their pledge they broke;
Then Maurice the Norman upraised his sword;
The Cross on its hilt he kiss'd, and spoke:


‘So long as this sword or this arm hath might
I swear by the Cross which is lord of all,


By the faith and honour of noble and knight
Who touches yon Prince by this hand shall fall!’
So side by side through the throng they pass'd;
And Eire gave praise to the just and true.
Brave foe! the Past truth heals at last:
There is room in the great heart of Eire for you!