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482. On a Curtezan, or a two-legg'd Jade.

Room, pray Sirs room, I can no longer hold,
My fury in, since vice is so extold.—
Impudent quean! who ne're had so much grace,
As is portended by the blushing face,
To swarm like Bees! here's master to infuse
An angry zeal into a frozen Muse;


And now my just incensed Muse proclaims
An open War against salacious Dames
And their rank Riders; she intends to throw
Her whirling Arrows, from her twanging Bow,
At such as do belong to Venus Court,
And are delighted with that beastly sport:
Who Tinder-boxes love, and will adventure
On Quivers ope, for every shaft to enter,
O shameful! Silken gallants have their queans,
And filthy drabs, which soak away their means,
They waste their strength on such, as are no less
Than the Elixars of all naughtiness,
Half-eaten with the Pox, alluring Dames,
Are fuel which do feed their lustful flames:
But more of this—and such as love the trade,
Expect kind Reader, when I come to Jade.