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Hymns and Sacred Lyrics

In Three Parts. By Joseph Cottle

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420. The Liar.
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420. The Liar.


May I, O Lord! thy will perform!
Still may my heart adhere to thee!
In every shape, and every form,
May falsehood from my spirit flee!
The purpose, veil'd from human view,
Is clearly to thy sight display'd:
Thou art a righteous God, and true!
Whose eye pervades the deepest shade!


Give me a conscience prone to chide,
If ever from “the mark” I turn!
Whate'er will not thy search abide,
And man's inspection, may I spurn!
Thou lov'st integrity and truth,
But hat'st the liar and his lies:
The blot of age, the shame of youth,
Is falsehood in its fairest guise.



Liars, thy solemn words declare,
Shall have their portion in that lake,
Where souls must fire and brimstone bear,
And to the second death awake!
In me the love of truth create,
From Satan's slavish fetters free;
And may I more than ever hate
Each wandering of the heart from thee.