University of Virginia Library


Long centuries agone—this very day,
In a far wilderness of Syrian sand,
Urging his steed amid an armèd band,
The wolf of Benjamin was on the prey.
But lo! a light, a voice, a thrilling sound,
And where was Saul of Tarsus? Sternly bound,
A fettered thrall, in darkness there he lay!
Shall he arise and conquer? can he toil
Once more in war and yet divide the spoil?
For thus dim Jacob traced the wanderer's way.


Answer, proud Corinth! stern and stately Rome,
Soft Ephesus, and thou, the populous home
Of many a city, old Galatia! say,—
Did not the warrior win and wear a conqueror's array?
The Festival of St. Paul, 1843.