University of Virginia Library



Once the rod of Jesse's stem
Blossomed fair in Bethlehem,
And in ages long ago
God came down to man below.
Angel-lips to shepherds then
Bore the news “Good will to men,”
And a kingly guiding-star
Beckoned Eastern seers from far.
Needs no star nor Angel's word
Now to guide us to our Lord.
Bethlehem lies everywhere!
Seek and find!—The Child is there!


Shepherds, bring not gifts nor gold!
Small the wealth of shepherds' fold:—
Ye from the rich East bring thence
Gold and myrrh and frankincense!
Lo, the Son of David doth
In His love accept ye both;
Blesseth both,—nor heedeth which
Be the poor men or the rich.
Rise and seek, ye Christians, rise!
In the manger still He lies!
Seek and find Him, rich and poor!
Christ is born for evermore!