University of Virginia Library


“Look! here's an arrangement for Being—half-finished; a scheme incomplete;
By itself, full of outrage on Justice and Love; a remorseless deceit
For the high aspirations it rouses; a jargon, a nightmare, a cheat!
Like a Nineveh fragment of tile, nicked all over with arrow-head lines,
Broken off through the middle of each—a farrago of meaningless signs.
Comes a cuneate Linguist profound, fills the lines up with words he has guessed,
With ‘Survival of Soul,’ ‘Probation by Evil,’ ‘Reward’ and the rest,


Till it seems all consistent and rational, beautiful, wisest and best!
Were it sensible then, or wild whim, to believe the lost half of the tile
Was o'ernicked by the Ancient Clay-writer with words in a similar style,
To be found, when they dig up the whole of the mighty Assyrian pile?