University of Virginia Library


O might I be the happy glove,
The happy glove that clasps her hand!
But, O more blest, how would I love
To be her robe's glad girdling band,


For ever press'd, in clasp how warm!
What mighty raptures there to taste!
O Eros! round her slender waist;
O boy-god! round her living form!
Ah! then what fevering hours were mine
Of burning dreams and bliss divine!
And, O were I the sparkling ring,
Around her rosy finger worn,
How to that finger would I cling,
And there all kingly jewels scorn!
O more, that I that neck might touch!
That I might one dear instant rest,
A nestling jewel, on her breast!
Ah, sweet desire, for hope too much!
Yet what would I not, girl, resign,
To make such mighty gladness mine!
Yet were this more than, love, to me
The niggard hand of joy could spare,
O might I for one evening be
A flower amid your raven hair!
Even though it were a dying flower,
That breathed its gentle life away,
A sweet white withering jasmine spray,
But pluck'd to please you one bright hour;
Even then in death what dreams were mine
Of burning love and bliss divine!