University of Virginia Library

Recovering thought, the venerable sire
Beheld, and recognised, his darling boy,
Thus beautiful and innocent, engaged
In the same worship with himself. His heart
Leap'd at the sight: he flung away despondence,
While joy unspeakable and full of glory
Broke through the pagan darkness of his soul.
He ran and snatch'd the infant in his arms,
Embraced him passionately, wept aloud,
And cried, scarce knowing what he said,—“My son!
My son! there is a God! there is a God!”—
“And, oh! that I may love Thee too!” rejoin'd
The child, whose tongue could find no other words
Than prayer;—“for if Thou art, Thou must be good.”—
“He is! He is! and we will love him too!
Yea, and be like Him,—good, for He is good!”
Replied the ancient father in amazement.