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Pearls of the Faith or Islam's Rosary

Being The Ninety-Nine Beautiful Names of Allah (Asmca-El-Husnca): With Comments in Verse from Various Oriental Sources (As Made by an Indian Mussulman): By Edwin Arnold

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 70, 71. 
 72, 73, 74, 75. 
72,73,74,75Al-Awwal Al-Âkhir Ath-Thâhir Al-Bâtin
 80, 81. 
 89, 90. 
 95, 96. 


Al-Awwal Al-Âkhir Ath-Thâhir Al-Bâtin

Awwal! Akhir! Thâhir! Batin! these four
Be “Mothers of the Names;” thy Lord adore,
Speaking such words as do Him truly call
Essence and Substance, First and Last in all.
Sura the seven and fiftieth: there is writ
The holy verse which keeps the charge of it;


The verse which all the names of Allah holdeth
As in one sky the silver stars all sit.
The chapter “of the Iron!”—and this script
Set on its forefront, as a hilt is tipped
With four-fold gold; or as a helm of steel
By some far-sparkling crest-gem is equipped.
“He is the First and Last”—this scripture shows—
“Outer and Inner, That which doth disclose,
And That which hides Itself; the Manifest,
The Secret; and all things and thoughts He knows.”
“In six days earth and heaven He made alone,
Then reascended the Eternal Throne;


What entereth earth and issucth thence He sees,
And what goes up and down the sky is known”
“To Allah, Who is nigh where'er ye be,
And whatsoever deeds ye do doth see;
His is the kingdom of the earth and heaven;
All things return to Allah finally.”
Beginning! End! Without! Within!
We celebrate Thy praise herein.

These four divine titles are known by the technical appellation of “The Mothers of the Names,” being regarded as fundamental and all comprehensive.

Cf. Korân, lvii. chapter “Of Iron,” v. 3.