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Alexander Pope: Minor poems

Edited by Norman Ault: Completed by John Butt

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IV. To the most Learned Pharmacopolitan, and Excellent Politician, Mr. Esdras Barnivelt.

The Spaniard hides his Ponyard in his Cloke,
The Papist masques his Treason in a Joke;
But ev'n as Coughs thy Spanish Liquorish heals,
So thy deep Knowledge dark Designs reveals.


Oh had I been Ambassador created,
Thy Works in Spanish shou'd have been translated,
Thy Politicks should ope the Eyes of Spain,
And, like true Sevil Snuff, awake the Brain.
Go on, Great Wit, contemn thy Foe's Bravado,
In thy defence I'll draw Toledo's Spado.
Knighthoods on those have been conferr'd of late,
Who save our Eyesight, or wou'd save our State,
Unenvy'd Titles grace our mighty Names,
The learn'd Sir William, or the deep Sir James.
Still may those Honours be as justly dealt,
And thou be stil'd Sir Esdras Barnivelt.