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The history of The Old Testament In verse

With One Hundred and Eighty sculptures: In Two Volumes. Vol. I. From the Creation to the Revolt of the Ten Tribes from the House of David. Vol. II. From that Revolt to the End of the Prophets. Written by Samuel Wesley ... The Cuts done by J. Sturt

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LXIII. Exodus, Chap. XVII. from Ver. 8. to the End.

Moses praying Amalek discomfited.

Old Esau's quarrel Amalek pursues,
And first with Jacob's Sons his War renews:
But Joshua, Jacob's Sons their Leader choose,
While Moses with strong Pray'rs attacks their Foes,
Planted upon a neighb'ring Mountains height,
No unconcern'd Spectator of the Fight:
From Heav'n auxiliary Troops he draws,
And Guardian Hosts espouse the juster cause:
Invisible they charge, th'Invaders yield;
Retiring in disorder from the Field.
Heavy with Age the Prophet strives in vain,
And can no more his palsied Hands sustain:
The strong Cherubic Guards retire from fight,
The Foe returns with doubled rage and might:
When Hur and Aaron this perceiv'd from far,
And mark'd the various Fortune of the War,
Ebbing and flowing saw the doubtful Tide,
Which Moses rais'd or drooping Hands did guide,
Cautious they plac'd themselves on either side:
Supported thus till Night the Prophet pray'd,
The dubious Chance no longer now delay'd,
But Conquest on the Hebrew Banner staid;
When thus th'Allhigh—Let future Ages know
Who first was ransom'd Israel's conquer'd Foe:
Write, in the Sacred Volumes, write it fair,
Let future Nations find, and read it there,
That God, with Amalek proclaims eternal War.