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The Book of Psalms in English Metre

The Newest Version Fitted to the Common Tunes. By Charles Darby

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Sure God is good to Israel,
To men of heart sincere:
But as for me, my feet did slip,
And nigh to falling were.


For I was envious, when I saw,
The wicked prosper so:
How free they are from deadly pangs,
How stout and strong they go.


They often are from troubles free,
When all are plagu'd beside;
Which makes them hug and wrap themselves
In violence and pride.


Their eyes with fat stand strutting out;
They have what heart can crave:
Corrupt they are; and wicked words
Are all the talk they have.


They proudly of oppression boast,
Yea with blasphemous talk,
Their mouth against the heavens is set,
And through the earth doth walk.


This makes good men reflect with tears,
And much lament and grieve:
That God regards the things below,
They scarcely can believe.


See how the wicked tribe, said I,
In riches thrive amain:


Then surely I have cleans'd my heart,
And wash'd my hands in vain.


For all day long I have endur'd
Great plagues and sufferings:
And every morning of my life,
Some new affliction brings.


But if to speak at such a rate,
O Lord, I should pretend:
I know against thy children dear
I deeply should offend.


When this I could not understand,
Into thy house I went:
And then the end of all these men,
To me was evident.


For thou hast set these wicked men
In slippery places all:
And they that now are lifted up,
Shall soon to ruin fall.


Thy terrors shall consume them all,
And make them vanish quite:
Much like a dream when one awakes,
Or image of the night.


Thus was my heart perplexed sore,
And grieved in my breast:
I was almost as ignorant
As if I were a beast.


But Lord I ever am with thee,
And thou wilt hold me fast:
And with thy counsel guide me safe
To Glory at the last.



O who is there in heaven above,
Like thee that I desire?
Nor is there one in all the earth,
But thee, that I require.


When both my flesh and heart shall fail,
The Lord will me restore:
For of my heart he is the strength,
And portion evermore.


For they that are estrang'd from thee,
Shall perish every one:
Thou hast to ruin brought them all,
That have a whoring gone.


But surely it is good for me,
That I draw near to God:
In him I trust that all his works,
I shall declare abroad.