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A collection of comic songs

written, Compil'd, Etch'd and Engrav'd, by J. Robertson; and sung by him At the theatres Nottingham, Derby, Stamford, Halifax, Chesterfield, and Redford

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What matters your ditties, 'bout cupid and graces,
I sing of the turf, a much better rig;
The pleasure of driving to country races,
In curricles, coaches, a chaise, or a gig:
Find fault, if you please—mind what you're abusing,
Let the great roll along in their coaches and six;
What's all the world after, but winning and losing,
And each playing off all their slight-of-hand tricks.

There you'll see Master Jacky—he'll tell you that he is the cleverest whip going—that he can cut a fly's eye out at six yards distance—'Twas but the other day, turning sharp round the corner, he upset an old woman and her apple-stall—for he loves fun—and blow me tight into a gin-shop, if he wasn't off before the old woman cou'd—sing

Fillaloo, smalliloo, ditheho, whack,
If you're young on the turf, I'd have you go back;
Or the knowing and deep ones will pocket your pelf,
Then you may go to the devil and shake yourself.