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The Poetical Works of the Revd. Mr. Colvill

Containing his Pastorals, Occasional Poems, and Elegies on Illustrious persons. Vol. I & II

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To Miss B---.

Hushd was rude Winter's blast, the breathing Spring
Had wak'd each flow'r, and tun'd the vocal grove,
Had shower'd fresh roses from her purple wing,
And sent through Nature the great Soul of Love.
To hail the year in woodlands warbling round,
In hawthorns blooming, youths and maidens hie;
The Beauty, sick of fops, all empty found,
The faithful Lover, worn with many a sigh.
Then bright S---, sprightly blooming Maid,
Pride of the circle, and the Poet's theme,
Left high Edina, for the greenwood shade,
The balmy Zephyr, and the murm'ring stream.


She pass'd, like Cynthia, whom the Virgin Tribe,
And youthful Band, with sacred songs adore;
Her eyes dart fatal shafts on ev'ry side;
She pierces hearts, and kills with secret pow'r.
How graceful on the sea-beat mole she stood,
With Love's black Tresses waving to the wind;
With Venus' eyes she calm'd the raging flood,
With Venus' smile she sooth'd each storm unkind.
His bark the hurrying mariner prepares,
Proud of his beauteous Freight, and plies the oar;
A thousand Lovers send a thousand pray'rs,
To speed her voyage to the fort'nate shore.
Meanwhile the Nymph, with highly blooming charms
Like Egypt's Queen, sat Sov'reign of the Main;
Her beauteous look sharp Eurus' breath disarms,
Her graceful smiles the swelling tides restrain.
Old Neptune smooth'd his brow, and hastes to bear
Another Venus; the gay smiling skies,
And Zephyrs shed for joy a show'ry tear,
And fann'd the sail with breath of am'rous sighs.
Cupid, as o'er the winding Forth he flew,
Mistook the Fair One for the Paphian Dame;
Choice arrows from his sounding quiver threw,
And burning mischief from his torches flame.


Swift to the greenwood shade She beauteous hies,
With flow'rets fresh to deck her sylvan Bow'r;
Thrice bless'd the Youth! selected by the Skies
To share thy Virgin Love, thou fairest Flow'r!
Go, Lovely Nymph! for thee the season glows,
The balmy Zephyrs fan the cooling grove,
And wafting odours from the blushing rose
Attune thy soul to Harmony and Love.