University of Virginia Library

The .lxxij. Psalme.

O God geue to the kynge knowledge to iudge matters aright:
And in ye hert of the kynges sonne, let thy iustice be pyght.
That he may gouerne the people accordynge to iustice:
And defend the cause of the pore, in iudgmēt and assice.
Let the mountaynes & myghtie kynges geue all theyr people peace:
And let the lyttle hylles be iuste, to all men more and lesse.
Let them reuenge the oppressed, & kepe the pore from wronge:

And punishe the wronge doars that are for the pore to stronge.
Let them feare the so longe as the sunne and the mone shall shyne:
And let thy feare alwayes abyde before the rulars eiene.
Let the kynge be to the people, lyke rayne to a medowe:
And as the dropes of rayne are to, the earth that men do plowe.
Let the iust florish in his tyme, much peace be therin found:
Tyl such tyme as the mone shal cease to kepe hir compasse rownde.
Let him beare rule from sea to sea, and frō the water syd:
Euen to the vttermost lymettes, of all the earth so wyde.
Let them that dwell in wyldernes, fall downe before his face:
And let his foes and enimies, lycke the duste of the place.
Let the kynges that rule the Ilandes that are in the mydse as:
And kynges of Arabie and Saba, brynge him gyftes of prease.
Let all kynges & all nations, him honour and obeie:
For he shall heare the pore mans crie, when all helpe is awaye.

He shall be mercifull to them, that be pore and nedie:
And shall preserue the lyues of thē that lyue in pouertie.
From disceyte and from iniurie, he shall theyr lyues redeme:
And in hys syght theyr bloud he shall, as preciouse esteme.
The pore shall lyue and shall geue goulde of Saba to the kynge:
They shall alwaye praye for hym and dayly geue hym blessynge.
The hygh mountaynes of hys lande shall beare corne in such plentie:
That they shall loke lyke Libanus to men in the citie.
His name shall continue for aye, and in it shall reioyce:
All nations, & the Heathen shall prayse hym wyth one voyce.
Let the Lorde our God be blessed, the God of Israell:
For he alone worcketh wonders in heauen earth and in hell.
Blessed be the holy name of hys glorie for aie:
Let his maiestie fyll the earth, amen, amen I saye.