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The hovse of correction

or, certayne satyricall epigrams. Written by I. H. Gent. [i.e. John Heath]. Together with a few Characters, called Par Pari: or, like to like, quoth the Deuill to the Collier

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On the High Spring tide at the Shewes at the Palsgraue's Wedding.

On the High Spring tide at the Shewes at the Palsgraue's Wedding.

The Sea fled in, willing to see this sport,
That to the neighbouring Lands she might report
Their valiant Prowesse, and each glyding flood,
Came rowling in; & each streame would haue stood

For to participate these warlike Shewes,
So that the Thames could hardly them enclose:
For some, to be spectators of the sight,
Got vp vpon the bancks to see them fight.