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The works of Sir William Mure of Rowallan

Edited with introduction, notes, and glossary by William Tough

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Sonet 9.

A constant course, heere, Lord each creature keeps,
Not swarving from thine ordinance their ends:
Earth vnsustained stands, in showrs ayre weeps,
Fyre vpward, water to the Center tends.
The Sunne in his Ecliptick, mounts, descends,
Oblicklie runnes, with Tropics two confynd,
Whose course the years alternat seasons sends;
Seas ne're transgresse the Limits thou assing'd.
But Man, in whom thy vive Character shynd,
That lytle World, of all thy works a Breefe,
Made Lord of All, of all hath most declynd
From thy obedience. O tears! O griefe!
Man to the Angels whom Thou didst preferre,
From his Creation's end doth only erre.