A Collection of Emblemes Ancient and Moderne: Quickened VVith Metricall Illvstrations, both Morall and Divine: And disposed into Lotteries, That Instruction, and Good Counsell, may bee furthered by an Honest and Pleasant Recreation. By George Wither |
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![]() | A Collection of Emblemes | ![]() |
Illvstr. XV.
[No Age, hath had a people, to professe]
The Sacrifice, God loveth best,
Are Broken-hearts, for Sin, opprest.
Are Broken-hearts, for Sin, opprest.
No Age, hath had a people, to professe
Religion, with a shew of holinesse,
Beyond these times; nor, did men sacrifice,
According to their foolish fantasies,
More oft than at this present. One, bestowes
On pious-workes, the hundreth part, of those
Ill-gotten goods, which from the poore he seazed,
And, thinkes his God, in that, is highly pleased.
Religion, with a shew of holinesse,
Beyond these times; nor, did men sacrifice,
According to their foolish fantasies,
More oft than at this present. One, bestowes
On pious-workes, the hundreth part, of those
Ill-gotten goods, which from the poore he seazed,
And, thinkes his God, in that, is highly pleased.
Another, of her dues, the Church bereaves:
And, yet, himselfe a holy man conceives,
(Yea, and right bountifull) if hee can spare
From those his thefts, the tenth, or twentieth share,
To some new Lecture; or, a Chaplaine keepe,
To please Himselfe, or, preach his Wife asleepe.
And, yet, himselfe a holy man conceives,
(Yea, and right bountifull) if hee can spare
From those his thefts, the tenth, or twentieth share,
To some new Lecture; or, a Chaplaine keepe,
To please Himselfe, or, preach his Wife asleepe.
Some others, thinke they bring sincere Oblations,
When, fir'd with zeale, they roare out Imprecations
Against all those, whom wicked they repute:
And, when to God, they tender any sute,
They dreame to merit what they would obtaine,
By praying-long, with Repetitions vaine.
When, fir'd with zeale, they roare out Imprecations
Against all those, whom wicked they repute:
And, when to God, they tender any sute,
They dreame to merit what they would obtaine,
By praying-long, with Repetitions vaine.
With many other such like Sacrifices
Men come to God: but, he such gifts despises:
For, neither gifts, nor workes, nor any thing
(Which we can either doe, or say, or bring,)
Accepted is of God; untill he finde
A Spirit-humbled, and a troubled-minde.
A contrite Heart, is that, and, that alone,
Which God with love, and pitie, lookes upon.
Such he affects; therefore (Oh Lord) to thee;
Such, let my Heart, and, such, my Spirit bee.
Men come to God: but, he such gifts despises:
For, neither gifts, nor workes, nor any thing
(Which we can either doe, or say, or bring,)
Accepted is of God; untill he finde
A Spirit-humbled, and a troubled-minde.
A contrite Heart, is that, and, that alone,
Which God with love, and pitie, lookes upon.
Such he affects; therefore (Oh Lord) to thee;
Such, let my Heart, and, such, my Spirit bee.
![]() | A Collection of Emblemes | ![]() |