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Dia Poemata

Poetick Feet Standing Upon Holy Ground: Or, Verses on certain Texts of Scripture. With Epigrams, &c. By E. E. [i.e. Edmund Elys]

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To an Honourable Lady Rarely Accomplisht with Wit, and Beauty.

Fair Venus and Minerva shew,
That They're at length made Friends by you:
Yo've given both Content: both prize
The APPLES of your Glis'tring Eyes,
Which t'each of them Assigned are;
For, still you looke both wise, and Faire.
Your wing'd Soule at each Glance doth Fly
Out of the Casement of your Eye;


Whose Splendid Beams, like Phœbus Rayes,
Create new Blossomes to my Bayes.
My Muses weak Eye, gazing on
This Daz'ling Sight, Drops Helicon:
But its Streams are at best too base,
To wash your Ladyships Sweet Face;
Which is set in such Symmetrie,
That, like the Soule, 't seems Harmony,
Which, sith it comes not to our Eares,
Is like the Musick of the Spheares.
Your Body is (all Symptomes show it)
So Fine that your Clear Soule shines through it:
'Tis Quaintly order'd, as we find,
By th' Lady Governnesse, your Mind.
Both your Parts thus, as'twere, All-one,
Are like a Constellation.
Your very Face (my Muse dares say)
Is Parallel to th' Milkie way.
Your Wit and Beauty thus take Equall Place;
Your self make up these Twins; A MUSE and GRACE.