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The Psalmes of David

The King And Prophet, And Of other holy Prophets, paraphas'd in English: Conferred with the Hebrew Veritie, set forth by B. Arias Montanus, together with the Latine, Greek Septuagint, and Chaldee Paraphrase. By R. B. [i.e. Richard Brathwait]

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Psal. 71. In te Domine.


For ever, me, that in thee trust,
Lord, let not shame deprave:


My plaintiffe-soule, as thou art just,
deliver, heare, and save.


Be thou, where I may enter, still
my Rocke of residence;
To save me, is thy Precepts will,
the Fort of my defence.


The raging hand, my God, becalme,
assert my libertie,
Safe, from the evill-doers palme,
sow'r-leav'nd in crueltie.


For thou, Lord God, art of my rest
the long-expected scope;
Thou art my weaner from the breast,
mine infant-ages hope.


My navill, since the wombe forsooke,
thy hand did me uphold:
Me, from my mothers bowels tooke,
of thee, my praise still told.


As from a Monster, many eies,
from me astonisht start:
When strong distresse yet on me lies,
my stronger hope thou art.


My mouth, no other musicke fill,
no story stile my song;
To descant of thy praise, my skill,
thy glory, all day long.



O, cast me not in age away,
when weaknesse strong assailes:
Now leave me not to my decay,
when strength enfeebled failes.


For they that bare me causlesse hate,
(my foes) against me spake;
And they that for my soule lay wait,
together counsell take.


Since God (say they) doth him forsake,
now left he is alone:
On, on, him persecute, him take,
to rescue him is none.


But goe not farre, O God, from me,
nor fit occasion waste;
At present need as present be,
my God, to help me haste.


Confusion let confound them all,
that to my soule are foes:
Reproach, dishonour on them fall,
that seeke my evill woes.


Yet shall my hope wait patiently
upon thy help in store;
And to thy praise, continually
adde praises more and more.


Thy Justice-shall my mouth expresse,
thy saving health all day:
Whose numbers summe so numberlesse,
my cyphers cannot say.


To sing thy power, this power of mine,
how be'it (Lord God) too weake;
Yet of thy Justice, only thine,
somewhat, suffice, I speake.


My heart, O God, hast thou prepar'd,
and from my childhood taught:


And hither to have I declar'd,
what wonders thou hast wrought.


And now, that I (O God) am old,
mine Almond-tree growne gray:
Mine age, from thee, let none behold,
forsaken, sent away.


Till I have shew'd thine Armes extent
unto this Ages view;
And of thy power, a president,
to all that shall ensue.


Thy Justice is in thee alone,
O God, unto on hie:
To those great acts which thou hast done,
who like (O God) comes nie?


Thou shew'dst me many evill daies,
much sorrow mad'st me see;
From under ground yet didst thou raise,
returne, and quicken mee.


To make me greater, far and wide
thou gav'st me great encrease;
To better me on every side,
thy goodnesse did not cease.


Thee, and thy Truth, my God, to praise,
not Psalterie alone;
But Song and Harp will I up-raise,
O Israels Holy-One.


With joy, above all joyes esteem'd,
my lips shall shout to thee;
So shall my soule, by thee redeem'd,
in Psalmes as joyfull be.


My tongue, the Trumpet, shall proclaime
thy Justice all the day:
For they are blank't, and brought to shame,
that seeke my soules decay.