University of Virginia Library




If souls were free from fraud and guile,
And ignorance had less effrontery;
If battle blades were sheathless while
One traitor lived to curse his country;
If far more prized than golden ore
At Freedom's shrine were deep devotion,
The sainted Isle would flash once more,
A jewel on the breast of ocean.


When ages of Oppression rest
Upon a land once bright with glory—
Resentment in each generous breast
Enkindled by her mournful story—
Better the cannon's angry peal
To rouse than tongue that idly preaches—
The ringing rhetoric of steel
Than eloquence of uttered speeches.


When Valor finds in danger's hour
The mask of Honor worn by Treason,
And thrown away on lawless Power
Are arguments though based on reason,
Resolve to win the field, or die,
Should waken as one man the Nation,
While bugle call and rallying cry
Are heard, not empty declamation.



If hearts to dare and heads to plan
In crushing tyranny united,
Then in his majesty would man
Rise up, and every wrong be righted;
If men would ancient feuds forego,
And faction cease to make commotion,
Outshining moon again would glow
Our Emerald on the breast of Ocean.