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WHEREAS, George A. Beller, a native of New York, took his undergraduate degree from Dartmouth College and his M.D. from the University of Virginia in 1968; and

WHEREAS, Dr. Beller, after his residency, followed by distinguished fellowships and appointments at several institutions of national prominence, returned to the University to join the faculty of the School of Medicine; and

WHEREAS, Dr. Beller became Chair of the Division of Cardiology in 1977; and

WHEREAS, Dr. Beller has held a number of other positions of responsibility at the University, including the presidency of the Clinical Staff of the Medical Center and membership on the Medical Center Operating Board; and

WHEREAS, Dr. Beller has rendered invaluable leadership and service not only to the Medical Center and the School of Medicine, but to the University as a whole and to the community surrounding the University; and

WHEREAS, Dr. Beller retired as Chief of Cardiology on April 1, 2004, and will retire as a member of the Medical Center Operating Board, President of the Clinical Staff and Chair of the Clinical Staff Executive Committee on June 30, 2004;

RESOLVED, the Medical Center Operating Board salutes its friend and colleague, George A. Beller, M.D., and expresses its profound gratitude for his service and devotion to the University of Virginia.