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I. Art

History of Art B1: An historical and descriptive study of architecture,
painting, and sculpture in ancient times. An introduction to the technique
of the arts. Three lectures each week with assigned readings and reports.
(B.A. or B.S. credit, 3 session-hours.) Mr. Anderson.

History of Art B2: An historical and descriptive study of architecture,
painting, and sculpture from the reign of Constantine (330 A. D.) to the
beginning of the Sixteenth Century. Byzantine, Romanesque, Gothic and
Early Renaissance Art. Three lectures each week with assigned readings
and reports. (B.A. or B.S. credit, 3 session-hours.) Mr. Anderson. History
of Art B2 is given alternately with History of Art B3. In 1928-29 History of
Art B2 will be offered.

History of Art B3: An historical and critical study of architecture,
painting, and sculpture from the beginning of the Sixteenth Century to the
present day. Renaissance and Modern Art in Italy, France, Spain, England,
Germany, and in the United States. Three lectures each week and
assigned readings. (B.A. or B.S. credit, 3 session-hours.) Mr. Anderson. History
of Art B2 and History of Art B3 are given alternately. In 1928-29 History
of Art B2 will be given.

Freehand Drawing A1: Practice in drawing in the studio, with pencil,
pen, charcoal, and brush. Fee $5. (B.A. or B.S. credit, 2 session-hours.) Assistant
Professor Makielski.

Freehand Drawing B1: Freehand Drawing B1, or equivalent, prerequisite.—A
continuation of Freehand Drawing B1, with practice in drawing in


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color from still life and from nature. Fee $5. (B.A. or B.S. credit, 2 session-hours.)
Assistant Professor Makielski.

Freehand Drawing B2: Freehand Drawing B1 and B2, or equivalent, prerequisite.—A
continuation of Freehand Drawing B2. Fee $5. (B.A. or B.S.
credit, 2 session-hours.) Assistant Professor Makielski.

Art C1: Freehand Drawing A1, B1, and B2, or equivalent, prerequisite.
Outdoor sketching in color in the first and third terms, studio class in pencil and
charceal in the second term. (M.S. credit, two session-hours.) Professor
Campbell and Assistant Professor Makielski.

Art C2: Freehand Drawing A1, B1, and B2, or equivalent, prerequisite.
The drawing and rendering in color of not less than three architectural compositions
in color. (B.S. or M.S. credit, two session-hours.) Professor Campbell.