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The code of the city of Charlottesville, Virginia, 1965 :

the charter and the general ordinances of the city

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§ 16-1. Composition of library board; election and terms of members;

§ 16-2. Officers of library board.

§ 16-3. Conduct and maintenance of library; authority of board to
appoint committees.

§ 16-4. Appointment of librarian, etc.; fixing compensation of appointees.

§ 16-5. Reports by board and librarian.

§ 16-6. Audit of accounts and inventory of property.

§ 16-7. Responsibility for expenditures; incurring obligations.

§ 16-8. Duties and responsibilities of librarian.

§ 16-9. Destroying or injuring books, etc.

§ 16-10. Failure to return books, etc., after notice; lost or destroyed

Sec. 16-1. Composition of library board; election and terms
of members; vacancies.

There shall be a library board of Charlottesville, consisting
of four members to be elected by the city council and
four members to be elected by the board of supervisors of
Albemarle County. The present members of the board elected
by the city council shall continue to hold office for their respective
unexpired terms, and upon the expiration of the
term of any member elected by the city council, a successor
shall be elected by the city council for a term of four years.
When a vacancy occurs in the office of any member elected
by the city council, it shall be filled by the city council for the
unexpired term. In no event, however, shall a member elected
by the city council be eligible to serve more than two successive
full four-year terms.

The terms, the number of terms and the manner of filling
vacancies of county members shall be fixed by the board of
supervisors of Albemarle County. In the event of the termination
of the present arrangement between the library board
and the board of supervisors of Albemarle County, for extended
services to the county, or the termination of any renewal
of such present arrangement without further renewal,


Page 236.1
the powers and duties of the members of the board elected
by the board of supervisors of Albemarle County shall cease
and the board shall consist only of the members elected by
the city council. (Code 1959, § 16-1; 2-4-63; 9-14-64.)

Sec. 16-2. Officers of library board.

There shall be a chairman, a vice-chairman and a secretary
of the library board and any other officer deemed necessary.
(Code 1959, § 16-2.)

Sec. 16-3. Conduct and maintenance of library; authority of
board to appoint committees.

The library board shall have power to conduct and maintain
the public library and shall have authority to appoint

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Page 237
committees. In selecting the members of any committee, it
need not be restricted to its own membership, but may
appoint any citizen of the city. (Code 1959, § 16-3.)

Sec. 16-4. Appointment of librarian, etc.; fixing compensation
of appointees.

The library board shall appoint a librarian and assistant
librarian and such aids as may be essential to an efficient administration
of the affairs of the library and shall fix the
compensation for each appointee, subject to the approval of
the city council. (Code 1959, § 16-4.)

Sec. 16-5. Reports by board and librarian.

The librarian shall cause to be made on or before the tenth
day of each month to the city manager, a written report of
the activities of the library for the preceding month on forms
prescribed by the city manager. The library board and the
librarian shall also furnish from time to time such additional
reports and information as may be required by the council
or the city manager. (Code 1959, § 16-5.)

Sec. 16-6. Audit of accounts and inventory of property.

The director of finance shall, annually, or as often as he
may deem necessary, audit the accounts and inventory the
property of the city library and shall require the person receiving
and expending library funds to keep accounts of all
receipts and purchases in such manner as the director of
finance may prescribe. A report of such annual audit and
inventory shall be made to the council not later than the
tenth day of September in each year. (Code 1959, § 16-6.)

Sec. 16-7. Responsibility for expenditures; incurring obligations.

The library board and librarian shall be responsible and
accountable to the city for the proper expenditure and account
of all funds appropriated by the city or otherwise received
for the library. No obligation shall be incurred by
them beyond the amount appropriated by the council. (Code
1959, § 16-7.)


Page 238

Sec. 16-8. Duties and responsibilities of librarian.

The librarian shall be responsible for the proper care of
the library building and its contents. He shall perform such
other duties as may be prescribed by the library board. (Code
1959, § 16-8.)

Sec. 16-9. Destroying or injuring books, etc.[153]

No person shall wilfully, maliciously or wantonly write
upon, injure, deface, tear, cut or destroy any book, plate,
picture, engraving, map, newspaper, magazine, pamphlet,
manuscript or other property belonging to the city public
library, or wilfully and without authority remove any book
or other property from the city public library. (Code 1959,
§ 16-9.)


For similar state law, see Code of Va., §§ 42-20, 42-21.

Sec. 16-10. Failure to return books, etc., after notice; lost or
destroyed books.

It shall be unlawful for any person to have in his possession
any book or other property of the city public library
which he shall fail to return within one week after receiving
notice in writing from the librarian; provided, that if such
book shall be lost or destroyed, such person may, within two
weeks after being notified to return such book, pay to the
city librarian the value of the book, the value to be determined
by the library board. (Code 1959, § 16-10.)


For similar state law, see Code of Va., § 42-22.


For state law as to libraries, see Code of Va., § 42-1 et seq.