University of Virginia Library


[Enter'd the holy place above]

Christ is...entered into...heaven itself, now, &c. —ix. 24.

Enter'd the holy place above,
Cover'd with meritorious scars,
The tokens of His dying love
Our great High-priest in glory bears,
He pleads His passion on the tree,
He shows Himself to God for me.
Before the throne my Saviour stands,
My Friend and Advocate appears;
My name is graven on His hands,
And Him the Father always hears;
While low at Jesu's cross I bow,
He hears the blood of sprinkling now!
This instant now I may receive
The answer of His powerful prayer:
This instant now by Him I live,
His prevalence with God declare:
And soon my spirit in His hands
Shall stand, where my Forerunner stands!