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[The blood of goats and bullocks slain]

If the blood of bulls and of goats..., &c. —ix. 13, 14.

The blood of goats and bullocks slain
Had power to purge the legal stain,
And outward holiness restore,
Sprinkled from his impurity,
The sinner stood absolved and free,
And separate from the clean no more.
And shall not that atoning blood
Of Christ, the everlasting God,
A purer holiness impart,
Make the polluted conscience clean,
And purge our inmost soul from sin,
And sanctify our sprinkled heart?
Himself a spotless sacrifice
To His great Father in the skies
He offer'd up for all mankind,


Through the Eternal Spirit's power,
That cleansed from sin we never more
May soil with guilt our spotless mind:
That we may serve the living God
(When Satan's works are all destroy'd)
The merits of our Lord demand;
And we His merits shall receive,
The life of pure obedience live,
And bright in all His image stand.